Hello! It’s been a while. I’m REALLY good at this whole blogging thing.

I constantly think about blogging, but when it comes time to actually make the time to do so, I just don’t. Well, I can’t say that I just don’t – I have a 1-year-old wreaking havoc on my free time 😃

I’m still not sure what direction to take this blog. It’s called “House of the Cards” with the original intent on posting all the DIY projects we do. But those have slowed down (WAY DOWN) since Liam has been in our lives. So maybe the content scope can change to “any darn thing I feel like writing about”.

Side note: Do you ever feel like the internet/our phones can hear us THINK? I literally just got an email from Bloglovin titled “Get Back to Blogging!” – Seriously?!

So, today, I feel like writing about our decision to go vegan. Tim and I decided to go 100% Vegan back in late February. We had already cut down on our meat and dairy quite significantly starting in January, but didn’t fully commit until after Tim’s seafood broil birthday party – priorities! Honestly, I was kind of terrified, I’m pretty sure Tim was too. We’ve been meat-eaters our entire lives, and from about age 22-29 I was eating about 5-6 meals per day that contained animal products (meat and/or dairy). I mean, protein in large amounts like that is vital, right? (insert major eye roll).

Our original intent was to go RAW vegan for 90 days then re-evaluate. We quickly learned RAW vegan was pretty rough. I mean, it was great, we felt good, but eating raw uncooked veggies 100% of the time is HARD. We started adding in oatmeal, rice and quinoa; then progressed into adding even more options like rice-based pastas, organic sourdough (in limited amounts) and small amounts of Tofu. Tim’s creativity capabilities in the kitchen and general love for cooking have really paid off during this whole process – I think it’s the most important part of our transition, keeping great flavors and a wide variety of meals each week.

By the time the 90 days were up we were feeling so good and enjoying the food so much that neither of us really wanted to go back to being carnivores. At least full-time carnivores. We’ve had Salmon 2x in the past 5 weeks, and have enjoyed it, but don’t feel like we need it as a staple. We have not had any other animal product. I think we’re both open to it as an occasional splurge, but even so, the times we’ve been faced with these opportunities to splurge we’ve found meat-free alternatives. Liam’s 1st birthday is a prime example – we hired a taco guy to come serve a variety of meat based tacos, but we decided to make our own Tofu-based tacos (honestly, more fabulous than any of the meat they offered).

We started this adventure for improved health and couldn’t be happier with the results. We’re feeling like our bodies are functioning better and we’re healthier. And with dinners and lunches like this “Grilled Veggie Pea Pesto Sandwich on Sourdough” who would complain?!
