I don’t even know how many times I have sat down to write a blog entry. I mean, it’s been a minute and I don’t even really know where to start.

I keep going back and forth with starting this back up. I just feel a little strange putting my life out on the internet. But in the end I feel like a lot of time is flying by before my eyes and my memory is getting worse with each passing year. So it would be nice to have all these memories in one place.

So, I’m doing this for me. I think in the past I had these grandiose plans to turn this into a supplemental income. Then I get overwhelmed, overwhelm turns into procrastination, which just turns into nothing at all.

So, now it’s just for me. To document life, projects, family trips, the kids, recipes, workouts….. life I suppose.

I guess I could start with the biggest update – we added a baby girl to the family on January 25, 2020!

Charlotte (we call her Charlie).

We love her to pieces, and Liam is just in love with her 10 months later as he was the day she was born. It’s been wonderful to watch.

We’ve been on quite a few camping trips over the past couple of years. We bought a pop up camper and have done a bit of updating to it. It’s been fun! Most of our trips have been in the local mountains, but we’ve also gone to Malibu and Yosemite!

House-wise, which was the intent of this blog in the first place (LOL – LOL) we made a few minor updates which I can share another time to document it in a bit more detail.

Since I’ve previously shared Vegan recipes, I guess I should note that we are no longer Vegan. After 3.5 years of Vegan eating we are now full on meat eaters over here. It started with intense cravings during pregnancy, then realizing how much better we felt with some additional animal protein in our diet. We still have vegan meals about 30% of the time, just because we enjoy plants. But definitely transitioned back into more animal proteins (less dairy, though). So if I post recipes in the future, they will likely not be all Vegan 😊

Ok, enough of a re-introduction. Hopefully I can put together some posts about past family trips, home improvements, camper improvements, and just capturing the times that I may forget one day.